

Product and Sales Manager Jenni-Sofia Viitala: “JTK Power is a customer-oriented company and a master of problem solving”

Jenni-Sofia Viitala has been selected as the product and sales manager of JTK Power’s Shelter Solutions. Viitala started her new job on the 1st of March 2021.

A construction engineer with extensive experience of design and planning

By training, Viitala is a construction engineer and has worked as a structural engineer at Kannustalo and Simons Talo, companies that offer self-build home packages, and also as the chief engineer of smaller building projects. Thanks to the diverse tasks she has been involved in, she has gained excellent overall knowledge of the building trade.

“Design and planning have long been my main job, but I wanted to broaden my expertise. I also liked the idea of working closer to customers. Here at JTK Power, my diverse job description includes planning, design and practical work, from making layout drawings of castings to participating in the installation of the product at the customer’s premises,” Viitala explains.

She mentions that she shares her employer’s values as regards customer service and the desire to find the optimum solutions to their challenges.

“I appreciate JTK Power’s customer-oriented working methods and the fact that customer satisfaction is such a strong priority. Taking a customer’s wishes into account in the design phase is the be all and end all for me. I’m motivated by customer feedback and seeing the physical results of my work.”

A broad sphere of responsibility suits this multi-skilled professional

Viitala’s expertise and extensive design and planning experience bring benefits for both JTK Power and its customers.

“Thanks to my background, I can work in design and planning as well as sales. I can also advise customers on matters relating to the structural aspects of air raid shelters.”

Viitala’s new role puts her in charge of the sales and customer management of all the devices, equipment and expert services JTK Power offers relating to air raid shelters. She emphasises, however, that the overall services include a lot more than just product manufacture.

“The starting point for JTK Power is always the wishes and needs of the customer. We are involved in the project as the customer’s trusted partner who handles everything from start to finish. The big picture is important to us. It’s not just a question of individual products. We deliver an entire turnkey project to the customer, tailored to their needs.”

Viitala works mostly in the Finnish market, but the company has also started to expand its operations into Sweden in order to grow its market share there.

“JTK Power is a growth-oriented company that operates in the global market. Over the last few years, we have broadened our supply of services and products for air raid shelter equipment, and demand for them is also growing beyond the Finnish borders.”

Close cooperation has resulted in an excellent problem-solving ability

Viitala came to know JTK Power back in 2014 when she completed a practical training period at the company. Because she already knew many of her future colleagues, starting work at JTK Power felt very comfortable.

“We have a relaxed and encouraging work atmosphere where it’s easy to ask for help when you need it. That’s extremely important for work motivation.”

Thanks to the close cooperation with her colleagues at work, Viitala feels that information flows smoothly and work progresses well. With production and product development all under the same roof, she can participate in the production process from the drawing board all the way to the finished product.

“The close cooperation makes both communication and problem solving easier – everyone knows where we are and shares the same goal.”

Born and raised in Vaasa, today Viitala lives in the neighbouring municipality of Laihia, where she is currently building her own house. She and her spouse plan to move into their new home, which they have designed themselves, for midsummer. She spends her free time at the gym and is also an active board member of the local association for construction engineers and architects, Merenkurkun rakennusinsinöörit ja -arkkitehdit RIA.